Ear Acupuncture and Earseeds – What Are They All About?

Ear Acupuncture- what’s it all about?

You may have seen last week’s Dragon’s Den, in which business woman Giselle Boxer made Dragon’s Den history by receiving an offer to invest in her business of selling ear seeds from every Dragon investor. Giselle made her journey very clear; she had had ME and had been bedridden and told she would never work again or be able to exercise or have children. She said that a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and ear seeds helped her to recover. She now has a 2 year old daughter and is fit and well.
Sara Davies, Dragon investor, described how her acupuncturist used ear seeds at the end of her acupuncture session and said she loved her acupuncture and the seeds.


Those of you who know us, may well have had us offer you an ear seed. We too use the gold ones, seen on the programme, as they are more attractive than the traditional brown seeds. Often we place them in your ears to help with sleep and relaxation and many people do feel they help to subdue anxiety.
We love that Giselle is spreading the word that Traditional Chinese Medicine can be so helpful. The earseeds as a stand alone treatment may have more limited results than as a combination with acupuncture, and or herbs but can be a useful tool and healing part of any treatment.
And of course, when we offer you earseeds, we give them to you freely, as part of your whole treatment experience.

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