Acupuncture and IVF- It’s What We Are Known For!

We love treating women and couples who are preparing for or going through IVF. We have been doing this work for almost 20 years and Rach and I have our own experiences of infertility and IVF and know first hand just how stressful this can be.

We want our clinic space to feel like a sanctuary for you. We want you to be able to come see us and be able to tell us how you are feeling; to cry if you need to; to express any anger and sadness.

There are strong medical reasons to come as part of IVF- acupuncture helps with blood flow and lowers stress hormones and therefore can help to regulate the cycle. There is a strong evidence base that acupuncture around the time of embryo transfer helps with implantation. Other studies have shown the benefit of having acupuncture as part of preparing for IVF (ideally this would be 2-3 months before your IVF but don’t worry – even having just one or two sessions is beneficial).

A recent research paper concluded acupuncture is helpful alongside IVF in achieving a live birth.

If you’re considering having IVF please do have a chat with us to see if we c an help support you move towards parenthood.


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